Hi everyone! I am Rosario, a D2 student from Deguchi Lab.

Together with Matsumoto-san (D1), we are happy to announce the completion of the first Chile-Japan seminar series! A unique, student-only event for promoting communication and friendship between both countries.

For more details, visit our event website here.: 1st CHILE-JAPAN Mechanobiology Workshop

This time, we were glad to have the participation of the laboratories belonging to Prof. Bertocchi (Chile), Prof. Ravasio (Chile), and Prof. Deguchi (Japan). Although, there was even an invited speaker from Kindai University of Prof. Nakazawa’s laboratory!

The main goal was to create a low-pressure environment so students could share at ease and more freely yet still have the complete experience of a formal international seminar (good for practice!).

The event consisted of a four-day workshop from July 30th to August 8th. And, given the time difference between Chile and Japan (13 hours!!!), in Japan, we had to attend from 9:30 p.m. to around 11 p.m. every time😭.

It was a great event overall and super fun! I want to thank the other organizers, Alejandra Trujillo, Cristian Espinoza, and Matsumoto-san for making this possible. We can’t wait to repeat this experience! From both sides, we look forward to opening the seminars to new labs and promoting further discussions on Mechanobiology.

I believe this was a rewarding experience for all the students involved. From personal experience, I can tell how difficult it can be to present your research in a language different from your mother tongue. So thank a lot to all the participants, especially the students who chose to speak even when nervous or not confident in their skills.



Thanks for visiting our blog!!

Personally, I realized the need to further improve my English presentation skills and quick responsiveness during discussions. Despite the vast distance, this event brought us closer together, paving the way for future joint research and collaborations.

My colleagues—Rosario from the Deguchi Lab, along with Cristian and Alejandra from PUC—also felt a great sense of achievement. We are all eager to organize the next workshop in the upcoming semester. If you are a student researching Mechanobiology or related fields, I highly encourage you to join and contribute to our discussions next time.

Thank you to everyone who participated. Your efforts were greatly appreciated!

    Eiji Matsumoto
