先日お知らせしました「理系女子学生のキャリアパスを考える」イベントに引き続き,同一会場にて米国Carnegie Mellon大学のKris Noel Dahl先生を招いて下記セミナーを開催します.




場所:大阪大学豊中キャンパス 基礎工学国際棟1Fセミナー室

講演者:Kris Noel Dahl (Associate Prof., Chemical Engineering and BioMedical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University)

題目:Changes in the mechanical properties of the cell nucleus with implications in cardiovascular disease and aging

概要:The sequencing of the human genome has provided a wealth of scientific information, but this information is limited by the poor understanding of the mechanisms which control gene expression. In addition to containing the code for the cell and beyond, the genome within the nucleus is a self-assembled polymeric structure with unique mechanical properties. Using spectrocopy, imaging, micromanipulation and computational techniques, we measure the mechanics of the nucleus at various length scales. We are particularly interested in the role that force and cytokine treatment play in altering nuclear mechanics and gene expression in primary human endothelial cells that line blood vessels. We examine the role of fluid shear stress and endothelial-specific growth factors on the reorganization of the nucleus and changes in nuclear mechanics. We find both a shear-dependent and time-dependent influence on nuclear mechanics. However, expression of proteins related to premature aging reduce or eliminate the ability of the nucleus to respond appropriately to applied force. Thus, there appears to be a balanced stiffness maintained throughout the cell including in the nucleus that can be modulated by external force; if this balance is altered by the accumulation of aging-specific proteins and the nucleus is stiffened pathology arises.